Monday, July 18, 2011

Surgery Conultation Results.

So my mom and dad brought me to see the surgeon, and we got there a little early, I arrived and filled out the paperwork and they put a purple and white Hospital Bracelet on me and I sat with my mom and dad to fill out the paperwork, my dad was sooo kind enough to pay my co pay. Thanks awesome daddy. :) So they called me in and I gave them the models and they printed out the information in which my Orthodontists office sent them. A few moments later the surgeon comes in and rudely says to me " You're a minor! where are your parents?" Uhm, I am clearly going to be twenty in August. The 17th to be exact. But I was not about to be rude so I sat there quieter than a mouse. So my parents came in and he told us, moreso them. We need to brake both of her jaws, thake the top one and push it up and out and the bottom one out. OK, first off, the to one being SOOOOOO far out is the whole REASON why I need surgery so it could be pushed up and back, or at least just up and the lower one forward. Then he totally contradicted my Orthodontist's treatment regiment with the surgery. He was all talking about making my overbite worse with pulling out two bottom teeth which she never even had in mind.  He said I had Posterior Vertical Maxillary Excess and Madibular Hypoplasia. Then he said I would need to pay money even if he messed up my face to get it approved by the insurance company. He was very rude in his manners. He kept telling me oh how you gonna afford braces if you dont have dental insurance. I kept telling him that my Orthodontist was going to do it for free Pro Bono. So then his office sent me over to a nice lady named Debbie who really liked me and she went over everything and she was actually nice and she really liked me. She said even if my insurance did cover the $20,000 surgery, I would still need to cough up $3,000 which my orthodontist knew I don't not have, she was trying to help me find someone who could help us either pro bono or with a good payment plan. So I honestly think him messing up her treatment plan that she spent a whole month figuring out is jsut wrong and I can't do that to her. I still do not have my braces on, I know. Braces come on after we've exhausted all our options and see if we can get the Surgery. Because the way the braces are put on is dependant upon whether I can get the surgery or not. I think I need a Second Opinion, which the orthodontist said this other Doctor would probably be better.

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