Sunday, July 3, 2011

June 30 2011 - Final Consultation

So today I went to my final consultation.I arrived nad was half an hour early and they had these games like these arcade games one was a racing game nad the other was a game where a frog killed some bad guys. So I told who I was with I wanted to play some and was talking about asking the office for some quarters because he said thats how you do it to play and some girl in braces said Nah you press the button and can play as many times as you want. So she showed me how and I was having quite a ball playing. So then it was on minute before noon and the orthodontist called me in her office. She represented the case of mine to us. She said right out stright you need double Jaw surgery because your overbite is coming from Maxillary Excess, and the only way is to have surgery with braces. I said oh, is there any other options, ya know just curious. So she said yes, braces and some appliance to bring your lower Jaw forward. I said Oh you mean the Herbst appliance? She was SHOCKED I knew what that was. I told her I knew a lot of things because in the 9th grade I wanted to be an orthodontist and I like to know technical terms for things. She said I was scary because I know too much :) But she said she didnt mind it though, she thinks its actually really awesome. So I made sure to make a point to asking if the braces/surgery will affect my Opera Singing. Yes I am a soprano. She was shocked and said she would really love to hear me singing sometime before my surgery. She said I was a really cool person. So She explained the surgery and gave me a bunch of numbers to call to set up consultations for double jaw-Orthognathic Surgery. She said if there is ABSOLTELY NO way that I could get the surgery because the insurnace wont accept it they wont do it for a teaching case and I had no money for it (which I dont), then she would do braces and the Herbst appliance (to bring my lower jaw forward). She said that is a last resort because the results are unpredictable and might not work since it is not really the teeth that are the culprit it IS SOME teeth but mainly the Maxillary Excess. So she said to try the Surgeons she works with and to let her know so I can get my braces on and when she should but the braces on.

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