Monday, December 12, 2011
Second Adjustment Dec 1, 2011
1.How often per day should I floss?
Once a day
2. Can I keep the braces when I get them off like in a little bagggy?
Sure if you really want to.
3. Do you use Hawley or Essix retainers?
(at this one she kinda laughed that I knew the names) "I use Hawley."
I said "Oh cause it retains better because of the mketal bar huh?"
She said "Exactly right."
4. When i bite down the tooth that seems to hit my top arch first is my lower right canin is that normal?
"Yes because everything is Changing around"
5. I noticed my back 7s (last second moalrs on all four sides) have brackets when do you think those will be hooked up with the rest of the braces?
"Oh my you're scary you know too much."
Jackie said "Wow she knows a lot"
My ortho "Yep she wants to be an orthodontist"
I said "Yeah third on my list from being a surgeon ;)"
My ortho said "Yeah, I don't know about that, when i'm going to brace them, we'll ahve to see how everything goes."
Then I said "Yeah I'll put IDk for the other question iw as going to ask you."
She laid me back and i said Oh wait another question, When are you going to do IPR (Interproximal Reducation)? She's like "Oh my, uhm *looks in my mouth* Lets do some today on the lowers." Pulls out a thin strip of metal and does it between my lower cental incisors and the central incisors +lateral ones, lateral ones + canines, and , canines + bicuspids/first premolars. While doing it she said "Hmm looks like today is reprox day." I do have to say that the reprox kind of hurt. :( Then I told her I had gifts for everyone and I think I got her upset with me because the last two times she told me no presents and I didn't listen LOL. I told her "too bad too late you're taking it." She said "oh ok but no more I'm serious." So then I laughed. I think I will only get her something small when the braces come off. So then before the ortho got up she said "Lets get her flossed now that the wire is out." (even though I floss daily)." So I went over to the brushing station and flossed and said "Wow that felt so unreal to actually floss normal and it felt great. Jackie gave me two toothbrushes for my sister, travel and regular. So then she told Jackie to take the distal stop off the lower arch wire ont he right hand side to allow that canine to come forward more. So then she told her to also try to put a stop between the two lower central incisors, she did but it did not fit so my ortho told her to just take it off that it would be fine without. Jackie put in the same archwires because my ortho said we would change them next visit. Then after Jackie was finnished my ortho came back over. That kid left with his hawley retainers. She looked at my bite and said "hmmmm let's get her on some elastics." I said "24/7 ones?" She was a bit hesatant to say yes and I told her "I don't mind I really don't anything to get the treatment along." She said "Ok, I think so then yes. Get some otters, not I mean Quails. Otters are too thick for now." So then she went to go get them and Iwas playing with the coloured tie thingys and Jackie told me I could keep them because I thought they were just the coolest thing. My ortho came back over with the baggy and said "hmmmm, lets get some hooks on her upper 4s (Bicuspids/ First Premolars) so that she can put it on the upper 4s lower 6s (first molar in the back)." Jackie did and then put on the right side elastics and told me to do the left side, it took her to adjust it and her to get me an elastivcs assistant tool, which was a greenish blue turquois awesome colour. Then I got it. So then I put the coloured ties and the elastics took in the baggies and Jackie said "Ok so theres about 200 here if you should loose them call us up and we can put them in the mail for you." I said "Thanks. Ooooh present time." Then I handed everyone their cards/ put the on the counters next to them. I said "Now these aren't ghetto nasty original candy canes these are the good Sweettart ones. Kathy (the front desk lady) said "Ooooooh my favourite." Then the ortho said "We're dentist we shouldnt't be eating these." Then Kathy said "ooooooh, i'm having mine with my lunch today. I LOVE these." I said they're at a deal at my store ( I work at Stop and Shop) 2 for 4) She said "Don't tell my son that, he'll buy out the whole store." So everyone loved their cards and candy canes and Kathy gave me a hug. So then I asked her "Would you be able to print out a reminder for my January appointment.?" She said "Of course." I showed her my sobe lifewater and tolld her "Look I stopped drinking that sugary powerade" She said "Let me see it" so I gave it to her and she said "It still has citric acid in it, but as long as you don't drink a lot, your mouthwash counteracts and fights it so you're good." I said cool. So some different teen boy and his mom came in. While the thing was printing out I says "I use this bag for school" (the one the the orthodontist's poffice gives out with the braces kit inside, it's a drawstring backpack.) Kathy says "It's a good bag." The kid's mom says "good advertisement." I said "Yeah I doubt people would want to travel three hours to come get braces." She said "OMG THREE HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!? Where do you live?" I said "I come from New Bedford to Boston." She nearly died when I told her. But then I said "Well I do know three people that want to make appointments here so i guess in a way it is advertisement." So then the mom says "That is TRUE dedication, it will be worth it in the end." I said "You know it I've been trying since I was 7 to get braces I wasn't going to stop looking now." So then I was cracking Kathy and the mom up with some jokes and Kathy says "Jenn you are the HIGHLIGHT of my morning, I tell ya." So then mom was like Jenn, grab some tooth paste for you and your sister." I said "No way mom, I'm NOT stealing all their toothpaste." Kathy said "Take as much as you want." So I took two thanked her and left. I told my sister I called dobs in the travel toothbrush and she could have the regular one and she was fine with it.
November 2011 Pictures
Sunday, October 30, 2011
June 2011 Panoramic X Ray
Just something I dug up for you all. The Panoramic X Ray my orthodontist took at my Consultation.
A Thank you Card from the Orthodontist
Dear Jen
Thank you so very much
for the great "before" photo.
I look forward to your beautiful
new + improved smile in the
"after" photo!!
Also thanks for the great
molar vases. I am still thinking of
what to put in them but I like
them "plain" on the counter too!
It's a pleasure to have you
as a patient.
Many thanks again.
Dr. ______ :)
Yes she put the smiley face. :) I thought it was sweet of her.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
First Adjusment Oct 12 2011
Kidney Surgery Sept 29th
September 2011 - Month 1
Friday, October 28, 2011
Broke the Wire
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Getting braces
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Braces in 2 DAYS!!!!!!!
kidney Surgery
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Kidney Disease
My own Braces kit.
I made it a point to go out to the drugstores Rite Aid and CVS to buy these, I figure in case I forget to ask my orthodontist or she doesn't give things out, I'd have my own. I like to have these things bought ahead of time because like I said, I don't know when my orthodontist is putting on the top row of braces, could be the 8th could be the 22nd I don't know. I plan on going out and also buying more wax and more floss threaders as well as a plastic timer because mine here is wooden and glass and It has sentimental value to me and would probably only use it at home. Mainly I am looking for those cool/special Braces v shaped bristle travel brushes. Maybe I can find some at Walgreens tomorrow, if my mom will take me.