Monday, December 12, 2011

December 2011

December 2011 TopDecember 2011 BottomDecember 2011 Front

December 2011, a set on Flickr.

Braces Second Adjustment 12-01-2011

Second Adjustment Dec 1, 2011

Ok so today; Dec 1, 2011 was my second adjustment. So We left early and my sister came with me because she had a dental appointment at another place in Boston. On the way up she asked me to scoff her a toothbrush. I got there early and went tot he bathroom adn went back in the car nad waited by doing my laboratory notebook for Anatomy nad Physiology. I also came up with some questions on a piece of paper that I ripped out and folded nad put in the page I was drawing diagrams in.  So I went in to the office. I had to walk through the bushes and tap on the glass so that kathy had to let me in. My mom came in with me and my dad and sister stayed in the car. So mom and I sat in the chairs by the curved wall. I bought Christmas cards for everyone in her office and her a Hanukkah card because she is jewish and attached sweettart Candy Canes to all the cards. So I waited till the end to give them out. So Monique called me in and sat me at the last chair near the wall, and Jackie came over. She is so nice and has a Brizillian accent. My orthodontist was busy taking some older teen boy's braces off. She was taking a while to see me which I did not mind because the assistant and I were chatting it up. We were talking about school, life, Christmas, braces, pretty much anything and everything. So I asked my ortho who was taking that kid's braces off "So when I get my braces off are you going to take them off?" She was like "Wow we're already thinking about getting the braces off?" I said "You know it, I want nice teeth and can't wait. hahahaha." She replied saying "Uhm I can, but you're going to miss your braces arent you?" I said "Of course they've become a part of me and who I am if I could I would like to have them on forever because they look cool. But they're def a pain." I asked jackie if I could ahve a toothbrush for my sister. Jackie asked me what colour(s) I wanted. I asked her if I could take a picture of the colour wheel so that I wouldn't be so indecisive aout colours from now on. She said  "Yeah, you gonna be able to see that?" I said "Of course" then I took the picture and told her thank you. I picked out green and red for Christmas. So then my ortho finished up with him and came over to me. She said "Oooh red nad Green for Christmas? You're not cmoing back before Christmas?" I said "Nope, January 12th." I said "yup" she was like "Ohhh the cleaning, with Dr Rasool, he's nice isnt he?" I aid "Honestly, I never even met him he was never there all those times I went but I met everyone else and the scary english dude who was doing a periodontal checkup and gave me a clean bill of health. he kinda made it scary." She laughed. She had Jackie pull up my before shots and then she sat down and look at me and said "WOW! Youir teeth are moving FAST for a beginner in braces, WOW!" I told her I've got some questions for you. And her with her humor says "Oh boy what is this a quiz? I hope I pass." I opened the note book with the drawings and unfolded the paper and she said "Oh my word that's a page FULLA questions." I said "Not really its just five simple yes or no questions it's just the way I write." So she said ok so then I help it with the notebook open and she was like staring at the notebook and I looked at her because she wasnt looking at the questions LOL. She said "I'm jsut admiring your amazing art work." So I flipped through the entire notebook and showed her and she said she loved it and that I ahve neat handwriting. So I asked her my questions:
1.How often per day should I floss?
Once a day
2. Can I keep the braces when I get them off like in a little bagggy?
Sure if you really want to.
3. Do you use Hawley or Essix retainers?
(at this one she kinda laughed that I knew the names) "I use Hawley."
I said "Oh cause it retains better because of the mketal bar huh?"
She said "Exactly right."
4. When i bite down the tooth that seems to hit my top arch first is my lower right canin is that normal?
"Yes because everything is Changing around"
5. I noticed my back 7s (last second moalrs on all four sides) have brackets when do you think those will be hooked up with the rest of the braces?
"Oh my you're scary you know too much."
Jackie said "Wow she knows a lot"
My ortho "Yep she wants to be an orthodontist"
I said "Yeah third on my list from being a surgeon ;)"
My ortho said "Yeah, I don't know about that, when i'm going to brace them, we'll ahve to see how everything goes."
Then I said "Yeah I'll put IDk for the other question iw as going to ask you."
        She laid me back and i said Oh wait another question, When are you going to do IPR (Interproximal Reducation)? She's like "Oh my, uhm *looks in my mouth* Lets do some today on the lowers." Pulls out a thin strip of metal and does it between my lower cental incisors and the central incisors +lateral ones, lateral ones + canines, and , canines + bicuspids/first premolars. While doing it she said "Hmm looks like today is reprox day." I do have to say that the reprox kind of hurt. :( Then I told her I had gifts for everyone and I think I got her upset with me because the last two times she told me no presents and I didn't listen LOL. I told her "too bad too late you're taking it." She said "oh ok but no more I'm serious." So then I laughed. I think I will only get her something small when the braces come off. So then before the ortho got up she said "Lets get her flossed now that the wire is out." (even though I floss daily)." So I went over to the brushing station and flossed and said "Wow that felt so unreal to actually floss normal and it felt great. Jackie gave me two toothbrushes for my sister, travel and regular. So then she told Jackie to take the distal stop off the lower arch wire ont he right hand side to allow that canine to come forward more. So then she told her to also try to put a stop between the two lower central incisors, she did but it did not fit so my ortho told her to just take it off that it would be fine without. Jackie put in the same archwires because my ortho said we would change them next visit. Then after Jackie was finnished my ortho came back over. That kid left with his hawley retainers. She looked at my bite and said "hmmmm let's get her on some elastics." I said "24/7 ones?" She was a bit hesatant to say yes and I told her "I don't mind I really don't anything to get the treatment along." She said "Ok, I think so then yes. Get some otters, not I mean Quails. Otters are too thick for now." So then she went to go get them and Iwas playing with the coloured tie thingys and Jackie told me I could keep them because I thought they were just the coolest thing. My ortho came back over with the baggy and said "hmmmm, lets get some hooks on her upper 4s (Bicuspids/ First Premolars) so that she can put it on the upper 4s lower 6s (first molar in the back)." Jackie did and then put on the right side elastics and told me to do the left side, it took her to adjust it and her to get me an elastivcs assistant tool, which was a greenish blue turquois awesome colour. Then I got it. So then I put the coloured ties and the elastics took in the baggies and Jackie said "Ok so theres about 200 here if you should loose them call us up and we can put them in the mail for you." I said "Thanks. Ooooh present time." Then I handed everyone their cards/ put the on the counters next to them. I said "Now these aren't ghetto nasty original candy canes these are the good Sweettart ones. Kathy (the front desk lady) said "Ooooooh my favourite." Then the ortho said "We're dentist we shouldnt't be eating these." Then Kathy said "ooooooh, i'm having mine with my lunch today. I LOVE these." I said they're at a deal at my store ( I work at Stop and Shop) 2 for 4) She said "Don't tell my son that, he'll buy out the whole store." So everyone loved their cards and candy canes and Kathy gave me a hug. So then I asked her "Would you be able to print out a reminder for my January appointment.?" She said "Of course." I showed her my sobe lifewater and tolld her "Look I stopped drinking that sugary powerade" She said "Let me see it" so I gave it to her and she said "It still has citric acid in it, but as long as you don't drink a lot, your mouthwash counteracts and fights it so you're good." I said cool. So some different teen boy and his mom came in. While the thing was printing out I says "I use this bag for school" (the one the the orthodontist's poffice gives out with the braces kit inside, it's a drawstring backpack.) Kathy says "It's a good bag." The kid's mom says "good advertisement." I said "Yeah I doubt people would want to travel three hours to come get braces." She said "OMG THREE HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!? Where do you live?" I said "I come from New Bedford to Boston." She nearly died when I told her. But then I said "Well I do know three people that want to make appointments here so i guess in a way it is advertisement." So then the mom says "That is TRUE dedication, it will be worth it in the end." I said "You know it I've been trying since I was 7 to get braces I wasn't going to stop looking now." So then I was cracking Kathy and the mom up with some jokes and Kathy says "Jenn you are the HIGHLIGHT of my morning, I tell ya." So then mom was like Jenn, grab some tooth paste for you and your sister." I said "No way mom, I'm NOT stealing all their toothpaste." Kathy said "Take as much as you want." So I took two thanked her and left. I told my sister I called dobs in the travel toothbrush and she could have the regular one and she was fine with it.

November 2011 Pictures

November 2011 BottomNovember 2011 TopNovember 2011 Front

November 2011, a set on Flickr.
Here is my progress pictures update for November 2011. Just 2 months in.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Before - Now.

Before - Now. by Jay Medeiros
Before - Now., a photo by Jay Medeiros on Flickr.

August 11, 2011- October 30, 2011

June 2011 Panoramic X Ray

Just something I dug up for you all. The Panoramic X Ray my orthodontist took at my Consultation.

October 2011 - Month 2

top octoberbottom october

October 2011 - Month 2, a set on Flickr.

The Thank You Card

thank you card front by Jay Medeiros
thank you card front, a photo by Jay Medeiros on Flickr.

A Thank you Card from the Orthodontist

Ok, so in the mail on Monday October 17th, I got something in the mail from my orthodontist's office in a card shaped envelope. So I opened it on the way to class at 4pm. It was a pink thank you card. It had a butterfly on it and so I opened it. It read:
Dear Jen
Thank you so very much
for the great "before" photo.
I look forward to your beautiful
new + improved smile in the
"after" photo!!
Also thanks for the great
molar vases. I am still thinking of
what to put in them but I like
them "plain" on the counter too!
It's a pleasure to have you
as a patient.
Many thanks again.
Dr. ______ :)

Yes she put the smiley face. :) I thought it was sweet of her.

Braces First Adjustment 10-12-2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

First Adjusment Oct 12 2011

Hey so on October 12, I missed my math class called Modern College Mathematics to go to my orthodontist appointment. We woke up at 5:30am, we as in my mother, father and I. We left at around 6am. The appointment was for 10:20am. We arrived in her parking lot at 8:05am. Her office did not even open until 10am. I seen everyone of her employees including her walk in. So like it was 10:03 Im like can i go in now? They said yeah sure go head we'll meet you in there. So I went in and the assistant called some other kid who was there waiting with me AND me at the same time. This time I sat in the middle chair. In her bay there are three chairs, one near the counter which was the one I was in for my braces being put on, the middle one and the end on near the wall. So I sat down and where the back of the office is she came out because it turns like an L from her office over to the Bay of chairs. And she said "Hey Jenn how are you?" I said "Good and you?" She said she was good. So last time I dont know if I told you, I got my picture taken with her right after I got my braces on. So I bought her this gorgeous Glass frame It was red and white and screamed her name in the store and I developed the picture of her and I and put it in the frame. I decided not to wrap it because she told me NO MORE GIFTS! lol. So I brought it in with the book i was studying the human bones from. I said "Hey before you say anything this isn't a gift it's just because..... because this is how I give people the copies of the pictures I take with them." So I handed it to her and he was really happy and saod "WOW! Look at this it's in a nice fancy frame, thanks Jenn,." She came up to me sitting in the dental chair and gives me a GIANT hug and kissed my face. My orthodontist and I are very close. She's a sweetheart. She was running around her office trying to put the picture in different places trying to find the best place. She cane back five miunutes later and said she put it in her office so that every single person who comes into the office can see it because they don't get braces unless they go through her office/consult room. In plus when she's not looking at patients she sits in her office. But yeah so then she comes back and sits near the computer for my station and she looks at me and I said "Hey you remember that really awesome bubblegum mouthwash you gave me last time? Yeah, well I kinda ran out and I went to legit 35 stores and totally couldn't find it." I said it with a frown she said "That's cause they don't sell it in stores." I said "Oh ok, I ran out do you think I could buy another bottle through you?" She laughed and said  "Geez Jenn what are you drinkin the stuff?" I said "No, despite it tasting rather delicious." So she said she'd get me some more before I left. She looked at my teeth and told the same assistant that did some of my braces when I got them on he said ok so now o14 on Bottom and the same wire on top (which is and was also an o14). So the assistant asked what colour I wanted, I said to the ortho "Hey you should pick out the colour." She said "NO WAY you woudl NOT like the colour I pick out it would be the ugly leftover colours." I laughed and said "Ok! Purple it is." I chosed the darkest non sprakly-est purple there was. I was kind of wanting the sparkley one. So then she got up and the ssistant did the work then she called over my ortho to come take a look amd she had the assistant pull up my before photos and she kept telling me bite down and open up to check the back bite and then I asked if she still wanted me to wear my elastiscs she said "Nope, you can stop those for now and let's see what the teeth can do on their own." I said "Oh ok." so then she went in the cabinet at the back of her office near the L shape and pulled out some Bubblegum Mouthwash and she said "Here now don't drink it ok? This should last you three months." I said "Ok thanks, are you sure you don't want me to buy it from you?" She said nah it's good. So then I went around to the front desk lady Man I love that front desk lady, I want my picture taken with her soo bad but I am scared to ask her.  So we made the next appointment and I said "Awh man I forgot to ask Dr Lisann a question." She said  "You can still ask her." So I went back there and asked her about the dental cleaning because its also up near her office and I was hoping to kill two birds with one stone a cleaning and an andjustment. She said "Oh just cmoe in here for like 5 minutes and I can take your wire out nad you can head over to the dentist and the come back to me for the adjustment I said ok cool, Ill schedule it for the  next adjustment then. So then I said "Oh wait! Where did you put the picture?" She brought me into her office/consult room and said I put it right here so that everyone can see it, because everyone that comes through these doors will come in here at least three times." I said "Awh it looks so nice right there." So yeah then I made my appintment and the lady was like your teacher got mad didn't she? I said "Yeah how'd you know?" She said "And you though she wouldnt get mad." I said "Yeah she's REAL mad that I took today off she was NOT a happy camper. Do you have any thursdays?" She said yep. So we made the appointment for Thursday Dec 1.  So then I said bye and thanks again to her nad her staff. I always say thank you to them everytime I go.

Kidney Surgery Sept 29th

Hey so as I mentioned before I needed kidney stone surgery. Well I was supposed to have it done at his office not the hospital on Sept 26th. I paid my money for my health insruance that wont be active until Financial Aid pays the rest. So they had the Surgeon himself call me back and he said that He would do the Surgery for me so it wouldn't cost me anything. So I went to the Hospital on Sept 29th. So then I woke up early that morning and got myself ready for the surgery and of course I was spooked about being knocked out. They gave me something to relax me three times before I went into surgery then my surgeon knew I was spooked to go under so he talked to me about life and how I was doing before he knocked me out. Then I woke up and he came in but he wasnt wearing scrubs he was wearing his office attire and he was just leaving to go see patients over at his office for the afternoon. I said "Hey when I get this stent taken out, I only trust YOU to do it." He said "Well there is no stent." I said "Why?" He replied "Because there was no stone and you are perfectly healthy now. Oh and by the way you have no pain medicine right now." I said "WOW because I do not hurt." So then he went to go look for my mom and tell her but he could not find her so I ended up telling her I came home about an hour afterward. I am fine now...... for the most part.

September 2011 - Month 1

Top SeptemberBottom September

September 2011 - Month 1, a set on Flickr.
This is what my teeth look like after just having my braces put on.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Broke the Wire

So I broke my wire two times before my appointment, The first time I ate cookie dough and the wire popped our of the back and I was told by her office to cut it. The second time I was flossing and bent the wire out forward, so I called my orthoodntists office at 6pm on a Friday night and she called me back becauae it left a page message. Then, she walked me through it telling me I can relax :) and not to worry about it I just slid it in the back and all set to go it feel into place and I was all good. Good thing too because I had work the next day and it was horridly noticeable.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Braces Day 1

Getting braces

Hey so most of you may know I am traveling a far distance to get my braces. Today being September 8th, 2011, it was rainy out and it took three hours to get there. I had even called up the office and told them I was running a tad bit late. We arrived there 12 minutes after 10am. The receptionist is really nice she said that it was perfectly fine. So I arrived with a bag fulla junk, not really junk but important things. I had her gift. I had this cool giftbag that was bright orange that I got from a District Youth event last year in perfect condition so I put it in that. The card had flowers and a butterfly on it. The front read: True meaning is found in the little acts of kindness that spring from the heart." And The inside read: "For all the ways you give and care, and make such a difference, thank you" What I bought her was four mini glass white vases shaped like Molar teeth. She walked over and I said I have something for you. She said you ahve something for me? I said yeah reaching down from the dental chair and grabbing the gift bag and handing it to her. She said You don't have to get my anything. I said YES I do. She said awwwwh when do you want me to open it? I smiled and said now? so she did nad she got sooooooooooo excited she called all the girls in her office over (no guys work there just girls). She loved it she said oooh we're going to put braces on these and plant flowers. Funny thing my mom told me buy her flowers only I thought it would be unsterile to hvae them around the office. But yep they ALL loved it. She asked me OMGosh where did you find these? I said Dental Catalog. She said what are you doing with a dental catalog? I said I have no idea I ask myself that everyday but I saw these and they had your name all over them. She laughed and said HAHA You're a riot, no more gifts ok. I said I know but this one I HAD to. So I took out my Your Orthodontist and You booklet to have us both sign the consent form to know everything about treatment there is to know in case osmething scary happened or went wrong and what to expect. So, she said Here lets sign this together. So we did, and then I sat back in the chair. At which time my parents met my orthodontist and my mom said Words cannot truly express how thankful we are. the orthodontist said Don't worry about it it's no biggie. Then the cool barzillian assistant said lets get started, I'm going to clean your teeth. So I got front surfaces of my teeth cleaned and my orthodontist looked in and asked Are we set of up for 7s? 7s are the back back most teeth that NO ONE usually gets braces on because they're usually normal. Mine grew in sooo bad it was like as if wisdom had a little bit of room to grow but not out all the way, I think it was because my wisdom teeth grew out with my second molars. But ahywho so she went in the cabinet and grabbed four back brackets. There were NO molar bands. What the back brackets are are longer adnw wider brackets where colors could not be added to and that holds the wire in place. So the assisant put in the cheek retractors and where we were there was a mirror on the wall near my chair and I got up when no one was looking and I i wanted to see how ridiculously scary and funny it looked the orthodontist said in a funny voice, What are you doing silly you cant get up sit down. I said this is funny lookin, as best I could with the thing in my mouth. So then I sat down and the assistant came back and she put two white triangles on the insides of my cheeks. Then she out a TON of log haped cylindrical cottons in my mouth under my tounge and on top of it and up top near my gums and on bottom same place. So then she washed my teeth surfaces with water and then suctioned me dry and then she used air to dry off my teeth and then she put this blue effrent on my teeth and left it them and then cleaned it with water then again blew air on my teeth and mdae sure my tongue would not get anything wet. Then my orthodontist came over, with another assistant and the receptionist watched, because she used to be an orthodontic assistant too, so she can help out at the office if the orthodontist ever needed her to. :) They're all cool, so my orthodontist had these cool magnifying glasses with the things on them to magnify things the kinds surgeons have. So then the orginal assistant handed her the brackets on the giant tweesers and the orthodontist started from the back towards the front of my mouth. The new assistant with her did the curing process with the curing light and orange shield that looked like a ping pong paddle.  So then once she got halfway through she stopped and the orginial assistant took out the cottoms and gave me this rubber thing to bite on and keep my tongue from thrusting forward and wetting everything. Then when the brackets were done being placed they took out the retractors and I asked if I could look, so I went to that mirror on the wall and flipped out in excited ment but my goodness WOW! The braces immediatly cut up really badly the left part of my lip and there was a giant lump, it RIPPED up my mouth. So then the orginial assistant started asking me if I wanted colours and there was literally like 30 colours. So I ewnt over to my mom and she stared at me and nearly died of shock that I finally got braces after 13 years of being denied. She said hey doidn't you want pink? I laughed nad said Oh yeah I forgot. So I picked the medium pink colour, then I sat back down in the chair saying pink, she put the wire in but now all the way then the orthodontist came back over and took a look and said only run it through to thw 6s right now. I do have brackets on the 7s but they are not attached yet. So then she put the colours on and then the wires, and clipped them off. Then the orthodontist came over and there was no one around here but her and me, she closed all the doors on my brackets because I ahve the Damon System. And she starts talking to herself Hmmmm, should I put her on elastics?! I said Hey I don't mind. She said How'd I KNOW you were going to say that? Only wear them at night, you already have a great back bite I cant have you Jabber Jawsing and messing it up. I said Oh ok sounds good to me. So the assistant walked by and asked what flavor flouride rinse and I said bubblegum. So then the original assistant came by and the orthodontist said Upper 3s lower 5s on the parrot elastics. So the orginal assistant put on the right side and had me put on the left side in the mirror and I litterally could NOT do it. I started getting mad and the orthodontist and everyone watching me and I turned around to my orthodontist saying EPIC FAIL! :( And I had the saddest look on my face. So then they told me to grab my mom and dad for the video, the Educational braces video and we all watched it together. So then the original assistant comes out with this fantasic blue drawstring backpack saying Here's your goodies and your mouth rinse is in here too. I said Thanks everyone. So then I asked the orthodontist if I could get my picture taken with her she said Ehhhh, some other time ok not today but I promise. I said Oh that's ok I totally understand. So then the receptionist was standing there and said Aaaaaaaaah come on, it's the first day you HAVE to. So she said Oh alright you have the camera with you? I said Yup. So the original assistant tookt he picure of us, it went the long way I was kind hpoin for a horizzontal to put in my album but w.e. its pretty ok the way it was, a picture is better than no picture. :D <3 I am really happy with my braces. My mom and dad made the next appointment for October 20th at 10am. WOW! Way to make it on a day where I have school they're NOT FAIR I NEED thursday appointment but nO my mom and dad dont want to. But eh it's only math and I am a whiz kid at that, and have friends in the class who take notes. I can truly say I am thankful for my mom and dad traveling three hours for me to get braces. Did I tell y'all that my orthodontist is giving me braces for free at no expense to me. That why I got her that gift, she's is an awesomely nice lady funny too. So then we left and went to use the bathroom because it was going to be a long ride home. I washed my hands and looked in my mirror at my mouth sliced up form my new braces. I went back into her office and I went to ask the receptionist why my mouth was like that if it was ok to be but the orthodontist came out and asked me what was wrong, so I asked her nad she said Oh that's what the wax is for I gave you a bunch of it. I said Oh? Thanks. See you in a few weeks. it will be 6 weeks untill my next appointment from the day I got the braces on.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Braces in 2 DAYS!!!!!!!

Ok, so, We planned it like this; September 6th spacers, 8th metal bands, 20th more spacers, and 22 braces top row and herbst appliance. So I was in class today, first day back. I am a sophomore in College and love it. So I was sitting there and this really loud vibration at my table happens nad no ones looking for their phone nad it was mine so I answered it, out of the classroom of course. It was my mother, she said "Jenn you're appointment's been cancelled." I got really sad and mad nad said "WHY?" She said I talked to the lady on the phone and they said she just wanted to skip this part, keep Thursday's appoinment and just give you braces." I said "THIS thursday?" She said "yup". So now I honestly do not know if I will be getting the herbst appliance now and the top row or top and bottom braces. I mean it sounds like jsut top and bottom braces and I should NOT get my hopes up for no herbst so I shall just expect the Herbst and braces top row, Anything's fine with me, she's the expert <3 I simply cannot wait 33.5 hours untill Braces appointment. Thursday morning at 10am.

kidney Surgery

So, I have yet another giant kidney stone causing those pains and such. I had planned it for Sept 24th but NOOOOOOO, the health insruance will nto be instituted for me by then which is DUMB. I swear the US healthcare system is corrupt, seriously everyone should get free healthcare with all the basics, dental vision, specilists, medical, examinations, etc. But anywho im having surgery to get rid of the stone on October 24 at 1pm at the local Ambulatory Center. I also Had a knarley Kidney Infection therefore I took Sulfamethoxazole, jsut finnished it this morning.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Kidney Disease

So I know this is a far off topic from braces but I had kidney stones in 2009 had surgery the surgeon messed up and obstructed my kidney with a stone instead of blasting it then had surgery 6 months later and it was fixed I been fine till about a couple of weeks ago i started experiencing bad pains and I was vomiting a lot recently and my urine is dicolored and I havent been peeing nad I have literally been drinking a lot and the pain is soooooooooooooo bad it's like I want to call out of work every day but I don't because I want to show that I am a good worker. Which I love working and I would not want to give that up, but this pain and sympotoms have been really bad lately worse than the fist time where my kidney inflated andd stopped working. I cannot stand the pain *cries*

My own Braces kit.

I made it a point to go out to the drugstores Rite Aid and CVS to buy these, I figure in case I forget to ask my orthodontist or she doesn't give things out, I'd have my own. I like to have these things bought ahead of time because like I said, I don't know when my orthodontist is putting on the top row of braces, could be the 8th could be the 22nd I don't know. I plan on going out and also buying more wax and more floss threaders as well as a plastic timer because mine here is wooden and glass and It has sentimental value to me and would probably only use it at home. Mainly I am looking for those cool/special Braces v shaped bristle travel brushes. Maybe I can find some at Walgreens tomorrow, if my mom will take me.

Top Row of Braces in Combo with Herbst Appliance...Damon

Hey just found out last week that I will be getting braces, just the top row on with my herbst appliance. I am not sure whether I am getting that put on the 8th or the 22nd of September. It's safe to say I just assume all of it by the 22nd; the herbst appliance and the top row of braces. I also found out I will be getting the Damon Braces. These are self ligtating braces. I live quite a ways from my orthodontist's office so to make it convenient for me, I go every 8 weeks. There are no colored ligature ties on my braces, for greater comfort and faster results. Normally my case would include 3 years my actually treatment time will be 30 months or 2.5 years. I am really excited it is not coming fast enough.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Next Orthodontic Appointments Scheduled

So I got home on August 11th. So I called asking for the orthodontist, not really sure why but I said to the receptionist: Is the orthodontist available? If not thats ok maybe you could help me. She said no she's not but what can I do you for? I stated how I got may opinions on the surgery and me and the current surgeon feel its best that I just go  ahead with the braces. She asked so are we still doing the applaince? I said yup, herbst appliance it is. She said ok that gets installed in four visits. So she looked in her book and said September the 6th I said can I have a pretty late one so that I can leave class and actually attend class that day? she said yup not a problem hows 4pm? I said yup that's good and what's going to be happening at that appointment? She said: Well the one is spacers will be put in, now you will need to come back on the 8th at 10 am....... for banding. I said Ok, She said now you're going to need to come in on the 20th for more spacing and then again on the 22nd for the rest of the appliance to be installed and that's about it. I said Oh would that be at 4pm and 10am again? She said Yes. I said, So I'm guessing I'd have that in for a year and do you know about the braces? She said I'm not really sure about anything I jsut know you're getting your appliace and not rally sure for how long we havent discussed that yet. I said ok thank you very much and have a great day. Then we hung up.

Second Opinion Visit

So my parents and I went to Waltham MA to the Children's Hospital. The reason why I was able to go beoing in almost twenty is that I been going there since I was born for various things. A while back my orthodontist had lunch with her friend who is an oral surgeon. She told her about me and the oral surgeon said she'd take a look at me. So as you know my appointment was on August 11th 2011 at 8am. I woke up at 4am and left at 5am since I live pretty far from Waltham. We arrived early and I went and took photos of the pretty scenery and duvcks by the end of the Charles River. It was time to go and we arrived early to the surgeons office to fill things out. Then I paid my copay via my card with money on it. I sat down and filled it out got my reciept and handed in the papers. They called me in and this time I thought it would be very nice to have my parents in the room since they already came in the rooma t the last one and I wanted them to see what this one had to say, they did not need to be in the room but i invited them. Already this was a much nicer atmosphere. Of course I love horses and the room I was in had horses so I took pictures and dad told me to take a picture of my x ray and of course I did the panoramic one. So I sat back in the chair and this really nice young woman is wearing this yellow sterile gown and her mask is on her ears but tucked under her chin. So she takes a look at my files and actually reads not jsut one but both of them and the other one didnt even acknowledge that I had stuff from my orthodontist. She took out the study models and looked at them and said asked if my insurance covered it and I said yes. She said ok well lets take a look inside of your mouth and how your teeth line up and jaws work and she very very methotical in her examination. She told me all the risks of how I could die on the table or have a really horrible infection, or not have any feeling in my entire face due to this surgery. She said she honestly could only see my jaw being moved only 3mm. She also said she didn't want to hurt me more in the long run, and she didnt feel comfortable only moving it 3mm, htat she herself would rather have the overbite made more obvious and prominant. I asked if that could be achieved without the need for extractions. She said no. Now my opinion here is my luck with health insurance is terrible. I mean seirously, to make my overbite so bad the ONLY way it can be fixed is with surgery and I lose the health insruance I'm stuck with a horrible overbite. I psychologically cannot deal with that. She said this could be achieved with braces so I took her word for it and said yeah You don't have to take to my orthodontist because I decided I'll just call and make an appointment for my braces, because what you said is true and I don't think I could go through all of that for surgery, its jsut not worth it. she said good I'm glad. I think you could really benefit from the braces. I said thanks sooo very much for seeing me. My dad is soooooo obessed he wants to send her a thank you card. We probably will give it to the ortho (oh she's getting one too) to give to the oral surgeon. So it's off to calling my Orthodontist's office.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Random News - I got the job I applied for.

So remember how in the last post I randomly said I had a job interview? Well, I had a job interview yesterday at 10am. The lady said my application looked really good and so didnt my availability, even during the school year. So she said she would call whoever she picked the next day which was today. So I thought she was going to call in the morning and she didn't so I gave up hope sort of but I knew if I didnt get this job that Jesus would find the right one for me. So at 2:25pm my phone vibrated and woke me up and she called; the job coordinator. She said she would like for me to come in and finalize the paperwork. So she gave me my official employee time card and said that I start my worshop on Thursday and start work on Monday AND, I get paid for going to the workshop. Yay me, well, actually I would like to thank Jesus for this opportunity, and the lady. I am now an offical proud worker of Stop and Shop

Monday, July 18, 2011

New Appointment and Random News

Ok, so today I called up the other contact my orthodontist gave me. The staff there was very nice over the phone. They already have my contact information because I have had kidney surgery and eye surgery there before. So my new appointment is for August 11, 2011 at 8AM. Also, today I had a job interview at Stop and Shop and maybe I could save up enough money working there to pay for whatever IF I need to. I also really want to work to finally be able to give money to the work of the Lord. The lady said my application looked REALLY good and she will do call backs tomorow. Whoever gets called back; they go to training on Thursday and then they get to go to start work on Monday. Anywho, I am gonig to cook my favorite food ever: Beef Noodle Hamburger Helper.

I Am Getting a Second Opinion

So, I've thought it over and talked to my dad and explained to him I have done more than throroughly extensive research on this Orthognathic Double Jaw Surgery, and I disagree with some random Dr changing my orthodontist's treatment regement and the way he described the surgery is WRONG, something about the way he was explaining it doesnt seem right. No offence, but I could actually sense something evil about him I feel a bit onconfortable. He wasnt even willing to negotiate price with me. So today I made another Appointment on August 11th 2011 at 8am. Now when my orthodontist gave me this doctor's contact information I felt soooo good about trying this Dr. So I have a very good feeling about it, a MUCH better feeling than the feeling I had about the last surgeon. I am very confident that this would be better, it is at another hospital which I am fine with.

Surgery Conultation Results.

So my mom and dad brought me to see the surgeon, and we got there a little early, I arrived and filled out the paperwork and they put a purple and white Hospital Bracelet on me and I sat with my mom and dad to fill out the paperwork, my dad was sooo kind enough to pay my co pay. Thanks awesome daddy. :) So they called me in and I gave them the models and they printed out the information in which my Orthodontists office sent them. A few moments later the surgeon comes in and rudely says to me " You're a minor! where are your parents?" Uhm, I am clearly going to be twenty in August. The 17th to be exact. But I was not about to be rude so I sat there quieter than a mouse. So my parents came in and he told us, moreso them. We need to brake both of her jaws, thake the top one and push it up and out and the bottom one out. OK, first off, the to one being SOOOOOO far out is the whole REASON why I need surgery so it could be pushed up and back, or at least just up and the lower one forward. Then he totally contradicted my Orthodontist's treatment regiment with the surgery. He was all talking about making my overbite worse with pulling out two bottom teeth which she never even had in mind.  He said I had Posterior Vertical Maxillary Excess and Madibular Hypoplasia. Then he said I would need to pay money even if he messed up my face to get it approved by the insurance company. He was very rude in his manners. He kept telling me oh how you gonna afford braces if you dont have dental insurance. I kept telling him that my Orthodontist was going to do it for free Pro Bono. So then his office sent me over to a nice lady named Debbie who really liked me and she went over everything and she was actually nice and she really liked me. She said even if my insurance did cover the $20,000 surgery, I would still need to cough up $3,000 which my orthodontist knew I don't not have, she was trying to help me find someone who could help us either pro bono or with a good payment plan. So I honestly think him messing up her treatment plan that she spent a whole month figuring out is jsut wrong and I can't do that to her. I still do not have my braces on, I know. Braces come on after we've exhausted all our options and see if we can get the Surgery. Because the way the braces are put on is dependant upon whether I can get the surgery or not. I think I need a Second Opinion, which the orthodontist said this other Doctor would probably be better.