June 2012, a set on Flickr.
Friday, July 13, 2012
So today is the next day, June 15th, 2012 and I looked in the mirrror and realized my braces aren't sharp the lady forgot to close the bracket door. So I pushed the wire down and closed it myself and then my wire started sticking out worse it was soooo bad I was literally bleeding everytime I laughed or smiled, which wasn't a good thing because where I work they make us smile (but I smile either way forced or not) So I called up my orthodontist and told her and she was like "Oh call me when you get to my office and I'll meet you there and I can cut it for you myself this time." I said in a shocked voice "Not today!!!!!!!!! I got work in literally ten minutes and I'll be there till 9:30pm." She told oh ok but if I wanted to go on a non office day she would be more than happy to meet me at her office. So I texted her and made it for June 25th.
Pain Managemant and Wire Cutting appointment
So today I went to that appointment about my pain. She said she doesn't understand why I am in so much mouth pain so I brought up my kidney disease thing and she said the pain from that might be presenting itself as an all over pain and she asked me if I wanted her to take an x-ray. I said I didn't want to waste too much of her time. So then they were freaking out about my swollen to the max beat red gums. Which is weird because I floss and use that special mouth rinse. So then the lady was trying to suggestgoing back on wire sizes and my orthodontist got really mad at her. So then she suggested taking off the colours (which helped) and to stop wearing my elastics for one week. So then she had the lady put on a new wire the same size but a new one to change around the stops/reactivate it. So then she cut then ends for me. I never realized how sharp brackets are without colours on them.
Unexpected Pain
So I called up my orthodontist's office complaining about how I am in horrid pain beyond imaginable in my teeth. I didn't know if it was normal to hurt so much I was about to pass out. So when I talked to her she said to call her on friday if I was still experiencing pain. And that I should be taking tylenol or whatever she said for pain medicine. I did, it didn't work. Neither did the bite /therapy wafer. So she told I could call the office and make an appointment with Kathy, I did for June 14th at around 4pm
Dentists offices ANNOY me
Ok so here's the deal. Like I've mentioned numerous times before I travel pretty far to my orthodontist. When I get my teeth cleaned I am told I need to get my wires take out so they can do a deep clean. So I figured hey why not get a dentist close to my ortho and she's best friends with them. So apprently going to the best dentist in the country and even the globe is a mistake I've made scheduling wise. So I called 2 months in advance to the dentist and that apparently wasn't enough time. All they had was weird times like mondays, (my orthodontist isnt in mondays that's paperwork day). So then I had to keep calling then and I finally found a day and time told them to hold it while I made a phone call to Kathy at my ortho's office (she's receptionist in case y'all were wondering). So we finally found a propper time:
July 19th, 2012:
Orthodontist - 1030 am Wires Taken out
Dentist - 11am Cleaning and exam
Orthodontist - 1200 noon Adjustment
July 19th, 2012:
Orthodontist - 1030 am Wires Taken out
Dentist - 11am Cleaning and exam
Orthodontist - 1200 noon Adjustment
May 31, 2012 Braces Adjustment
So today we left a tad buit early for we thought there was going to be storms. I literally got there at 6:55am and it was gorgeous out. Note to self: Weather people lie. So I sat in the parking lot and chilled. At around 8ish or so, my partents decided they wanted to smoke so I got away from them and sat on the curb by her office, and she walked by but I didn't know it was her. I was sooo zoned out I was completely exhausted. So my mom yells out once she went inside "you just realized you snubbed off your orthodontist?" as soon as she said that I ran inside and felt sooo horrible. So tyhey took me in at 8:06am since the orthodontist was there early. Early as in technically on time because she's always half hour late which is whyt they always make 820 am appointments instead of 8am ones lol. So when I went to appologize to her about snubbing her office when she came over she said to me "OMG that was you sitting outside?" Im thinking *awkward moment* So anywho she said I looked really pretty, and that I looked soo different she didn't even recognize that it was me. She asked what time I got there today and I said 6:55 she said HAH if I woulda known that I would have had you come walk my dog." I wasn't sure if she was kidding or not but since she's hooking me up with my braces I said "Next time, you've got my cell number I'll come over and walk it." But she didn't say anything after that. So then I had a paper with questions on it:
Do you have any more wax?
Do you have more Perio- Med
Do you use Powerchains?
How long from now do you estimate I'll get my braces off?
~a year from Sept 2012, 1.5 years the most from Sept 2012
Do you use permenant retainers?
~No because then people can't floss
Do you have to go back on wire sizes to get my upper 7s (back most teeth) down to the rest of my teeth?
I keep getting charlie horses in my mouth, is that normal?
When I start going to school are the appointments going to be closer together?
~Nope because of the wires.
So i picked out Black and Yellow for my colours and the lady did it. But when my orthodontist came over she made a comment about the colours and said "oooh black and white its like we're going to a ball?" So I made a remark saying "Wow! wait a minute you have black and white on there?" she said yes. I said awh man I said black and yellow." *pouty face* So she took out all the white ones and put on all yellow ones. So then when she was putting the wires on I said aloud (because I talk out loud all the time even when I don't mean to) "Awh man I forgot to floss, ah whatever." But she felt so bad about the colours she took out the wires so I could go floss and brush she was sooo nice. I got .018 on .025 on top and .014 on .025 on the bottom. I got promoted to super thick Zebra Elastics. So then I went and made my appointment with Kathy. Funny thing is I almost left without elastics so just as I got out of the car the assistant had chased me outside. So then as we drove away I realized I had taken their colour wheel on accident. I called them saying I was soooooo sorry they said it was ok to just bring it the next time I go. My pain in my mouth this time was sooooo horrible it is unbearable.
Do you have any more wax?
Do you have more Perio- Med
Do you use Powerchains?
How long from now do you estimate I'll get my braces off?
~a year from Sept 2012, 1.5 years the most from Sept 2012
Do you use permenant retainers?
~No because then people can't floss
Do you have to go back on wire sizes to get my upper 7s (back most teeth) down to the rest of my teeth?
I keep getting charlie horses in my mouth, is that normal?
When I start going to school are the appointments going to be closer together?
~Nope because of the wires.
So i picked out Black and Yellow for my colours and the lady did it. But when my orthodontist came over she made a comment about the colours and said "oooh black and white its like we're going to a ball?" So I made a remark saying "Wow! wait a minute you have black and white on there?" she said yes. I said awh man I said black and yellow." *pouty face* So she took out all the white ones and put on all yellow ones. So then when she was putting the wires on I said aloud (because I talk out loud all the time even when I don't mean to) "Awh man I forgot to floss, ah whatever." But she felt so bad about the colours she took out the wires so I could go floss and brush she was sooo nice. I got .018 on .025 on top and .014 on .025 on the bottom. I got promoted to super thick Zebra Elastics. So then I went and made my appointment with Kathy. Funny thing is I almost left without elastics so just as I got out of the car the assistant had chased me outside. So then as we drove away I realized I had taken their colour wheel on accident. I called them saying I was soooooo sorry they said it was ok to just bring it the next time I go. My pain in my mouth this time was sooooo horrible it is unbearable.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
April 12, 2012 Adjustment
This appointment I nearly had to cancel because my ride could not bring me. Or at least at the time it was scheduled for. So I called up on Tuseday and told the receptionist and she told me to call back on Wednesday evening and if I had to, reschedule it. So My rideended up being able to let me do a 2pm appointment. That was ok with the office. So I got there literally at 2pm, not earlier like I usually do. So I walked in and sat down then one of the assistants called me overand I sat down and my orthodontist came over and checked out my teeth. She said they were looking amazing if she did not say so herself. Funny thing, I'm a nerd: Biochemistry Pre Med double major over here. So everytime I get all nerdy when I'm there or am there studying waiting, my orthodontist calls me scary because I know too much. So I asked her if she watches Harry Potter. She said "Yeah, why?" I said "Because Ron is always calling Hermione scary because she knows a lot." The orthodontist told the assistant .018 on .018 on top and .014 on .025 on the bottom. I asked if we could up the elastics and my orthodontist I don't know if she was in a bad mood that day or what, but she got really upset and defenive I askede that and before I could explain why (them snapping) she said NOOOOO!!! She told the assistant to hook up the bottom 7 (back mostteeth/second molars), and to include them in the archwire. The assistant took out the wires and I went to floss and brush my teeth. I came back and asked for Slytherin Green and Silve but she told me my braces were already silver so I was just like fine wahtever, I'll take just the green. The orthodontist warned me now I was going to be mega sore. Weird ting it was VERY quet there and there were no patients the entire time I was there. So my friend told her "Jenn's gonna sing for you ok?" She told me when I first met her and asked if braces would affect my singing that she wanted me to sin for her sometime. So we thought today would be the perfct day to do so. I sang Nel Cor Piu Non Mei Sento. She LOVED it and was shocked. Even the receptionist came over. So then my orthodontist said in a joing way "He where are all my patients?" The assistant said "Probably skipped." Then my friend said "People actually skip and don't call?" the orthodontist said "You'd be surprised how many people I have to call and hunt down to come to their appointments." I leaned over and said "I'd NEVER skip, I'd even take a day off work and school JUST to come here." So her assistant that was workin on my mouth today noticed my time turner necklace the one from Harry Potter and she obsessed over it. She wanted one sooo bad she even went on the patient computer to look for it on eBay. She said "Shhhhh not so loud I don't want the orthodontist to know what we are doing." So then they all said bye as I went over to the receptionist and made my next appointment for May 31,2012 at 8:20AM. So my friend put me on the bus to go home, since he had work up north more and had to be there at a certain time and my orthodontist's office is 2 hours away.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Orthodontic Elastics Collection March 2012
Orthodontic Elastics Collection March 2012, a set on Flickr.
I own wayyy too many elastics. LOL
Braced Lets
So these are pretty amazing and cool. These are NOT used but new braces brackets on powerchains. of my different colours.
Inflammed Gums
Hey everyone so Recently, while taking my progress pictures, I noticed from a certain angle my lower front teeth, the gums were swollen. And also the top fronts were red and such and when I flossed between the front left tooth and the one next to it it bled a little. So I called the orthodontist tonight when I was on break at work. I told her about it and she said the swollenness can get contributed by mouth breathing (esp. at night). And so i asked her about there being a special mouth rinse to help with that and she said "Yes I have some, I will give it to you at your next visit." So I told her I was going in on the 22nd with my friend who has a consultation with her. She said not a problem she would give it to me then and maybe look at my gums, if not at my visit she will. She said it sounds like there maybe some food stuch somewhere but the best thing is to brush and floss on a regular basis and that will help. The mouth rinse is called PerioMed
Poking Hooks - I Took Them Out of my Braces
Hey so I know a lot of braces patients like yourselves have had a lot of pokey oarts of the braces. Usually wax will do the trick, sometimes you either have to cut something or take care of it yourself or go in for an office visit. That was impossible for me considering it was midnight and I am working all this week. For me it is mostly these two upper Canine hooks that were not being used. the thing with Damon braces is that you can add or take away hooks at any time to any bracket. We had these fromt he first time. The other day it was really bad, it was like a cheeze grader making mozzerella cheese of the inside of my mouth ripping it up making horrible sores and causing it to bleed. I could not even eat or close my mouth it was HORRIBLE. So I put wax on it, DID NOT stay on long nore did it help and I put a heaping wad. So I topok out both of these hooks. I called the office the next business day and let them/Kathy be aware of what I had to do and she said it was not a problem at all and did not matter because that was not the hooks I was presently using. I toldher I tried to salvage the hooks when trying to take them out so then can put them back in but I couldn't she said it was fine they have a ton in the office.
6 Month Braces Anniversary March 8, 2012
Hey everyone so it's my 6 month anniversary for having braces, in March 8th, 2012. I've officially been through this journey for half a year so only two years left.
Braces Fourth Adjustment 4-1-2012
Hey Everyone, so I had my fourth adjustment. It was at 8:20 AM and I got there early studying my flashcards so then I brought them in with me and went in early at 8:15 AM and sat in the waiting room and studied my flashcards. I talked to Kathy and told her what I was studying and what not. So in walked my orthodontist like 7 minutes later with a HUGE thing of flowers bigger than she is. She's on the shorter side; smaller than me. She walks by me saying "That Jenn is always studying." She went in her office and get ready for her day of work. Weird thing is she came out to the waiting area and called me over herself, usually her assistants do that. So I sat in the first chair. As I was about to sit down my orthodontist looked at me and said "You're scary!" (Which makes me think she is a Harry Potter fan or has seen the movies because Ron is always calling Hermione scary for being a smart know-it-all, I ought to ask her next time I go). Funny thing I dropped my new cell phone on the ground and the battery came out, talk about embarassing she she picked it up for me. So she looked at my teeth and was super excited about the movement she said "WOW! Your teeth are just cruising along." So then I asked her to pick out a colour. She said "No way, not unloess you want brown." I said "Why cause no one wants it?" She said "Exactly I'd spring clean them on you." I said "No thanks" So then she said ".018 on .018 on the bottom same wire on the top). That is the square wire on bottom. The orthodontist got up and went over to two younger girls, teenagers. They bother had to wear elastics:
To the Zebra elastics at night girl:
Ortho: Have you been wearing your elastics?
Girl: No
Ortho: You need to be wearing them if not every niht most nights of the week
Girl: Yeah about that.
To the 24/7 elastics girl:
Ortho: Have you been wearing your elastics and all the time?
Girl: Yes
Ortho: NO you havent, I can tell.
Girl: I swear to God I have been.
Ortho: no you havent and I don't appreciate you lying to me. I can tell you have not because your teeth have not moved at ALL since the last time you were here. How old are you?
Girl: 14.
Ortho: Yeah you're old enough to follow my simple instructions nad yet you have not. Start wearing them.
So that is a little word of advice: NEVER lie to the orthodontist, well basically never stop following her commands and you will advoid that embarassing situation. So I asked to brush my teeth and the assistant let me, I took out my electric toothbrush and brushed at the brushing station after waiting for one of the patients to finish. I turned aorund to sit back where I was and the orthodontist looked at me like I was nutz I said "Yes, I've gone bonkers and lost my marbles." She said "You aid it not me" We laughed. She came back over to me and did major "Reprox" Intersproximal Reduction(IPR) on the upper four and a small amount on the bottom. I said to her "Hey save me some tooth too ya know!" She said "What do you think I am doing, stealing your whole tooth?" I said "Maybe." She said "No, I only take 1/10th of a mm. Which is small and good. She told me the same elastics and I got some more. I told her I was gonig to visit my college, the one I am transfering into. I ended up chosing blue (the sparkly one) for my braces this time around. She said "Oh good, and I will see you in 6 weeks." She walked over to some lady who was like 60 and I find that odd. So I made the appointment with Kathy, and so I left and visited the school in the same area just 20 minutes south. It was AMAZING. I CANNOT WAIT. I got a free shirt.
To the Zebra elastics at night girl:
Ortho: Have you been wearing your elastics?
Girl: No
Ortho: You need to be wearing them if not every niht most nights of the week
Girl: Yeah about that.
To the 24/7 elastics girl:
Ortho: Have you been wearing your elastics and all the time?
Girl: Yes
Ortho: NO you havent, I can tell.
Girl: I swear to God I have been.
Ortho: no you havent and I don't appreciate you lying to me. I can tell you have not because your teeth have not moved at ALL since the last time you were here. How old are you?
Girl: 14.
Ortho: Yeah you're old enough to follow my simple instructions nad yet you have not. Start wearing them.
So that is a little word of advice: NEVER lie to the orthodontist, well basically never stop following her commands and you will advoid that embarassing situation. So I asked to brush my teeth and the assistant let me, I took out my electric toothbrush and brushed at the brushing station after waiting for one of the patients to finish. I turned aorund to sit back where I was and the orthodontist looked at me like I was nutz I said "Yes, I've gone bonkers and lost my marbles." She said "You aid it not me" We laughed. She came back over to me and did major "Reprox" Intersproximal Reduction(IPR) on the upper four and a small amount on the bottom. I said to her "Hey save me some tooth too ya know!" She said "What do you think I am doing, stealing your whole tooth?" I said "Maybe." She said "No, I only take 1/10th of a mm. Which is small and good. She told me the same elastics and I got some more. I told her I was gonig to visit my college, the one I am transfering into. I ended up chosing blue (the sparkly one) for my braces this time around. She said "Oh good, and I will see you in 6 weeks." She walked over to some lady who was like 60 and I find that odd. So I made the appointment with Kathy, and so I left and visited the school in the same area just 20 minutes south. It was AMAZING. I CANNOT WAIT. I got a free shirt.
Orthodontic Bite Wafer
Orthodontic Bite Wafer, a set on Flickr.
Hey so I have a tough time with the braces pain nothing really helps it at ALL. So I found an alternative Method; Therapy/Bite Wafers. They're like a siliconey material and you bite on them to restore blood flow to the teeth and help with the pain. You can order them here:http://www.dentakit.com/bitewafers.html
Snapping Elastics
Hey everyone, So i've been having trouble with my elastics, they seem to snap very easily, whether I am talking, yawning or eating. So I called up the orthodontists office and they said that it is pretty much normal to happen with the thinner elastics and won't happen once I get stronger ones. So they asked me if I needed more elastics and I said yes and made mention that I needed another elastics tool because I had lsot my other one at my physical. So the assistant who was on the phone said she would put those in the elastics packets and send them in the mail for me. This was in February, since I wasn't due to go back until March. I recieved them two days later. While I am very far from the Orthodontist's office I am still in the same state.
Braces Third Adjustment 1-12-12
This was a bit different as I had three dental related appointments in one day. The first to get the wires out, second teeth cleaned and such a basic dental appointment, and then to get the wires back in/ adjustment. My firebd took me to this appointment.My friend and parents like to switch off,
9:30 AM [Wires Out]:
I arrived early at the orthodontist at 8:55am, and got called right in surprisingly. I sat in the last chair, and just got my wires taken out and colours off and the doors of my brackets shut. My ortontist wanted to see some of my dad's artwork so I brought two paintings and the tooth sculpture my dad made for her. I hsowed her the artwork and she loved it and then I told her i had a gift for her nad she said "Jenn I told you no more gifts." I said "HAHA tell my dad that cause I tried HAHA." So I pulled out the box (which I used my digital camera box and had to assure her it was NOT a camera LOL) so then I showed her the tooth sculpture made of wire (how appropriate :)). She LOVED IT. She was a little sad knowing that my dad did not sign it so I promised her that he would bring his finnishing touches (felt feet and signature pen) the next time I came. Then she told me she noticed how well my teeth were moving. She even went over to the computer that I was near and pulled up the pictures (even though it wasn't the adjustment yet). I told her that I don't smile like that anymore; gumy smile. She had asked me to do it on purpose jsut for a second and I did nad she said WOW yes they are DEFINATLY going great. I asked if I still needed the Herbst Appliance, she said more than likely not and probably not if my teeth keep going the way they are which she thinks they will.
10:00 AM [Dental Cleaning & Examination]:
I got there at 9:05 AM and waited a little while and got called in 15 minutes later. The assistant scarpped my teeth of plaque and such, especially of the areas most hard to clean with braces on/ the wires. She had to get a special head for the tooth polisher, kind of like a kids version because the spacing in between the brackets and the amount of tooth surface available to be cleaned. So then my dentist came in, not the same person I had the last time a way cooler dude, he's arab and I LOVE his almost Indian accent. He was soooo nice, I told him about my friend being the one whol built his office too and he said "Ahh yess I know him. Mike's a good guy".I said "Yeah he's pretty awesome." He told me he needs to keep a close watch on my upper left second molar/last tooth. As it seems to have been a poorly done cavity, buildup on the surface, etc. So I left there with pretty much a clean bill of health on my teeth, no periodontis or gingavitis or anything bad. We left literally at 10:59AM because my friend was helping out around the office at my dentist.
11:00 AM [Adjustment Appointment]:
I went in for the adjustment at a few minutes late around 5-8 minutes past 11AM. This time I sat in the first chair. I was asked what colour I wanted and I picked up the colour wheel and the colour I picked it up by was a clear sort of colour and I said "OMG is the GLOW IN THE DARK?!" The assistant said yes and I chose it, kinda because I was taking my sweet time thinking of the colour I wanted. HAHA. The orthodontist came over and I told her about how my cleaning went. She said I needed two new wires, both being .018 on both upper and lowers. I asked about elastics and she gave me more quals. I wear them the same place as last time from the top first pre molars to the first lower molars on both sides. I am in Quails again, and the orthodontist gave me two more packets. I asked for some more mouth wash and she said "I told you not to be eating that stuff Jenn." I said "It's been three months like you said though." She was like "Oh my bad sorry Jenn." I laughed. So she came back over did Interproximal Reduction (IPR) in between my six front teeth top and bottom. She noticed my chipped front tooth and said "Oh i will fix your chipped tooth once it srats to turn for you. I thanked her for that. So then I left with my next appointment on March 1st, 2012 at 8:20 AM.
So apparently I need to buy a Sonicare toothbrush because my Oral B Pulsonic which is the EXACT same thing isn't good enough. I was upset when I was told that because I am a college student I cannot afford that. So I might as well just brush a little longer than normal no big deal.
So I got stuff from the Dentist and the Orthodontist's offfice
Proxabrush on a stick by GUM brand with replacement heads
Floss/Bridge Threaders (which are AMAZING)
Super Floss
2 Travel Colgate Gum Protection toothpastes
Phos Flur Bubblegum Mouthrinse
Appointment Card
2 Packets of Quail elastics
9:30 AM [Wires Out]:
I arrived early at the orthodontist at 8:55am, and got called right in surprisingly. I sat in the last chair, and just got my wires taken out and colours off and the doors of my brackets shut. My ortontist wanted to see some of my dad's artwork so I brought two paintings and the tooth sculpture my dad made for her. I hsowed her the artwork and she loved it and then I told her i had a gift for her nad she said "Jenn I told you no more gifts." I said "HAHA tell my dad that cause I tried HAHA." So I pulled out the box (which I used my digital camera box and had to assure her it was NOT a camera LOL) so then I showed her the tooth sculpture made of wire (how appropriate :)). She LOVED IT. She was a little sad knowing that my dad did not sign it so I promised her that he would bring his finnishing touches (felt feet and signature pen) the next time I came. Then she told me she noticed how well my teeth were moving. She even went over to the computer that I was near and pulled up the pictures (even though it wasn't the adjustment yet). I told her that I don't smile like that anymore; gumy smile. She had asked me to do it on purpose jsut for a second and I did nad she said WOW yes they are DEFINATLY going great. I asked if I still needed the Herbst Appliance, she said more than likely not and probably not if my teeth keep going the way they are which she thinks they will.
10:00 AM [Dental Cleaning & Examination]:
I got there at 9:05 AM and waited a little while and got called in 15 minutes later. The assistant scarpped my teeth of plaque and such, especially of the areas most hard to clean with braces on/ the wires. She had to get a special head for the tooth polisher, kind of like a kids version because the spacing in between the brackets and the amount of tooth surface available to be cleaned. So then my dentist came in, not the same person I had the last time a way cooler dude, he's arab and I LOVE his almost Indian accent. He was soooo nice, I told him about my friend being the one whol built his office too and he said "Ahh yess I know him. Mike's a good guy".I said "Yeah he's pretty awesome." He told me he needs to keep a close watch on my upper left second molar/last tooth. As it seems to have been a poorly done cavity, buildup on the surface, etc. So I left there with pretty much a clean bill of health on my teeth, no periodontis or gingavitis or anything bad. We left literally at 10:59AM because my friend was helping out around the office at my dentist.
11:00 AM [Adjustment Appointment]:
I went in for the adjustment at a few minutes late around 5-8 minutes past 11AM. This time I sat in the first chair. I was asked what colour I wanted and I picked up the colour wheel and the colour I picked it up by was a clear sort of colour and I said "OMG is the GLOW IN THE DARK?!" The assistant said yes and I chose it, kinda because I was taking my sweet time thinking of the colour I wanted. HAHA. The orthodontist came over and I told her about how my cleaning went. She said I needed two new wires, both being .018 on both upper and lowers. I asked about elastics and she gave me more quals. I wear them the same place as last time from the top first pre molars to the first lower molars on both sides. I am in Quails again, and the orthodontist gave me two more packets. I asked for some more mouth wash and she said "I told you not to be eating that stuff Jenn." I said "It's been three months like you said though." She was like "Oh my bad sorry Jenn." I laughed. So she came back over did Interproximal Reduction (IPR) in between my six front teeth top and bottom. She noticed my chipped front tooth and said "Oh i will fix your chipped tooth once it srats to turn for you. I thanked her for that. So then I left with my next appointment on March 1st, 2012 at 8:20 AM.
So apparently I need to buy a Sonicare toothbrush because my Oral B Pulsonic which is the EXACT same thing isn't good enough. I was upset when I was told that because I am a college student I cannot afford that. So I might as well just brush a little longer than normal no big deal.
So I got stuff from the Dentist and the Orthodontist's offfice
Proxabrush on a stick by GUM brand with replacement heads
Floss/Bridge Threaders (which are AMAZING)
Super Floss
2 Travel Colgate Gum Protection toothpastes
Phos Flur Bubblegum Mouthrinse
Appointment Card
2 Packets of Quail elastics
Thursday, January 5, 2012
WOW Progress!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These are my teeth from August 2011 (before braces) to January 1st 2012 (4 months in).
Getting my bracket fixed
Monday I called the office and they said oh how about Tuseday the 20th at 1:40pm. So I took that one. Ok so today I had a final exam in Anatomy and Physiology. My teacher was very cool about me leaving at 10:30 to walk over to the bus terminal so since I came early ay 8am to school he let me take the lecture exam before the practical in Lab thne just leave when I was finished. So I hopped on the bus to go see my orthodontist and was off by 11am. There was NO traffic up there at that time so I managed to get there within an hour and 15 minutes to the station which is actually more north 30 minutes than her office. SO my friend who hooked me upw ith the orthodontist picked me up from the station. He had to do work at her office because she asked him to check a few things out and fix some things. He built her office actually if I did not mention that before. Her staff were on their lunch at the time we went there. So we walked ofver to get our own lunch at a place called Richie's. REALLY GOOD. I ordered chicken which eneded up lasting me like 3 days in leftovers sooooo good. It was phenominal chicken. So we were done eating and it was just about time for the appointment so we walked back over to her office. So I went right in and my friend went to talk to my ortho and I asked Kathy; "Cna I use the brushing station?" she said of course. So I did and my ortho was looking at me the entire time like how much longer you gonna take brushing? LOL So I went to go back to sit down but before I could even sit down Jackie comes over and called me in. So while my friend was doing the work my ortho had asked. My ortho came right over and fixed the bracket like new, I noticed when she put it on it was on more straighter than it was before I dont kow if it was because the tooth itself had gotten straighter or what. So then awesome Jackie let me take a picture of the awesome stuff. So I had left the bay area and my friend was past this big hard solid wood door that said "Private" and the ortho was over there. Funny thing is I snuck back there and said to my friend "So WOW this is that staff loung you told me about and that random bathroom that I did not even know was here. And the whole time I was back thar I thought for sure, and so didnt my friend that the ortho was gonna kick me out and go make me waiting in the waiting area where patients "should be". I was in the waiting room actually for a long time talking to the patients and chatting it up with Kathy for a LONG time. We were talking about Stop and Shop, school how I want to be a Surgeon and all that fun stuff. Kathy is a really awesme person to talk with. I also spent some time playing the two video games she has in her office But it was funny because Yessica (she is spanish and really nice) was cutting up a green apple when I was in the staff lounge and I ahve a tendancy to talk aloud about things I see. So Yessica was cutting herself that apple and I said "Ooh an apple" and I guess she heard me. So she was like "You want some?" I said sure I don't see why not. So I went to go turn around and leave the staff lounge when the ortho comes in to check to see how my friend was making out with the work she had and she seemed really mad at me saying "JENNNNNNNN!?!?!? Of ALL the apples you picked a granny smith apple, those are the hardest ones. Who gave that to you?" I said "She did" *pointing to Yessica* So then Yessica said "No, she asked me for some." I said "no don't be pinning this on me it was all you." So my ortho goes in her fridge and said "Let's get you a softer fruit so you don't break anything but by that time I was like done eating the apple pieces. So she gave my friend a pear as well. So towards the end I ended up helping my froend clean up after he did his thing. So we're on our way out and my friend notices and says "Oh you're light burnt out. Want me to fix that while I'm here she said "oh I didn't even notice that *goes in closet* Here's one." So he changes it nad its a totally different brightness she comes out and has him rechange it and Kathy went and found a good one. While he was changing it I walked by a piece of artwork on my orthodontist's wall in the little halway area/vestibule type area that connects the consult room, behind the front desk, open bay area, staff loung/private sector and the waiting room. I says to my ortho as she walked by for something: "I LOVE this art work my dad does art just LIKE this and all sorts of stuff." So she asked me what other kinds does he do and I started telling him about the wire sculptures and she was all telling me how she would love to see some of his artwork. She told me that the artwork in her office was done by her friend whom I found out is Adrienne Shishko, so if you all want to see the cool artwork. This artist is really good. I am a fan of her work. So yeah all in all spending about three hours at the ortho's office was A LOT of fun.
I broke a bracket Dec 16th
I am soooo upset with myself. I called the office about a pokey wire and they told me I could cut it with either a pair of scissors or nail clippers but I just did NOT feel comfortable so I went out and bought "Distal End Cutters." used specifically FOR cutting the ends of braces. Went to cut it and broke my back bracket. The one I use for my 24/7 ELASTICS GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. So I paged my ortho and she called me back (just in time for work). I answered the phone saying "You're GONNA kill me." She said "what? Why?" I told her how I broke it and how theres the wire just chilling there all sharp in my mouth. So she said "Oh you can just cut it." I'm like "No way man thats how I broke it in the first place." She said "Oh if you break the bracket next to it throw it n the little baggy with the other one and I'll fix them both at once."I thought to myself no way because then I'd go back with no bottom braces on. But she told me "Jenn thank you for calling because all the people I ntreat come to me with like 9 broken brackets and try to deny anything even broke." I was like "WOW are you serious?" She said "Unfortunately Yes. :(" She said "Jenn do not worry this happens to literally every patient. That ressured me. She told me"Just call up the office on Monday, don't come in because I'm not there just my staff is and I need to fix it. And make an appointment for next week." So I thanked her nad told her sorry again.
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