June 2012, a set on Flickr.
Friday, July 13, 2012
So today is the next day, June 15th, 2012 and I looked in the mirrror and realized my braces aren't sharp the lady forgot to close the bracket door. So I pushed the wire down and closed it myself and then my wire started sticking out worse it was soooo bad I was literally bleeding everytime I laughed or smiled, which wasn't a good thing because where I work they make us smile (but I smile either way forced or not) So I called up my orthodontist and told her and she was like "Oh call me when you get to my office and I'll meet you there and I can cut it for you myself this time." I said in a shocked voice "Not today!!!!!!!!! I got work in literally ten minutes and I'll be there till 9:30pm." She told oh ok but if I wanted to go on a non office day she would be more than happy to meet me at her office. So I texted her and made it for June 25th.
Pain Managemant and Wire Cutting appointment
So today I went to that appointment about my pain. She said she doesn't understand why I am in so much mouth pain so I brought up my kidney disease thing and she said the pain from that might be presenting itself as an all over pain and she asked me if I wanted her to take an x-ray. I said I didn't want to waste too much of her time. So then they were freaking out about my swollen to the max beat red gums. Which is weird because I floss and use that special mouth rinse. So then the lady was trying to suggestgoing back on wire sizes and my orthodontist got really mad at her. So then she suggested taking off the colours (which helped) and to stop wearing my elastics for one week. So then she had the lady put on a new wire the same size but a new one to change around the stops/reactivate it. So then she cut then ends for me. I never realized how sharp brackets are without colours on them.
Unexpected Pain
So I called up my orthodontist's office complaining about how I am in horrid pain beyond imaginable in my teeth. I didn't know if it was normal to hurt so much I was about to pass out. So when I talked to her she said to call her on friday if I was still experiencing pain. And that I should be taking tylenol or whatever she said for pain medicine. I did, it didn't work. Neither did the bite /therapy wafer. So she told I could call the office and make an appointment with Kathy, I did for June 14th at around 4pm
Dentists offices ANNOY me
Ok so here's the deal. Like I've mentioned numerous times before I travel pretty far to my orthodontist. When I get my teeth cleaned I am told I need to get my wires take out so they can do a deep clean. So I figured hey why not get a dentist close to my ortho and she's best friends with them. So apprently going to the best dentist in the country and even the globe is a mistake I've made scheduling wise. So I called 2 months in advance to the dentist and that apparently wasn't enough time. All they had was weird times like mondays, (my orthodontist isnt in mondays that's paperwork day). So then I had to keep calling then and I finally found a day and time told them to hold it while I made a phone call to Kathy at my ortho's office (she's receptionist in case y'all were wondering). So we finally found a propper time:
July 19th, 2012:
Orthodontist - 1030 am Wires Taken out
Dentist - 11am Cleaning and exam
Orthodontist - 1200 noon Adjustment
July 19th, 2012:
Orthodontist - 1030 am Wires Taken out
Dentist - 11am Cleaning and exam
Orthodontist - 1200 noon Adjustment
May 31, 2012 Braces Adjustment
So today we left a tad buit early for we thought there was going to be storms. I literally got there at 6:55am and it was gorgeous out. Note to self: Weather people lie. So I sat in the parking lot and chilled. At around 8ish or so, my partents decided they wanted to smoke so I got away from them and sat on the curb by her office, and she walked by but I didn't know it was her. I was sooo zoned out I was completely exhausted. So my mom yells out once she went inside "you just realized you snubbed off your orthodontist?" as soon as she said that I ran inside and felt sooo horrible. So tyhey took me in at 8:06am since the orthodontist was there early. Early as in technically on time because she's always half hour late which is whyt they always make 820 am appointments instead of 8am ones lol. So when I went to appologize to her about snubbing her office when she came over she said to me "OMG that was you sitting outside?" Im thinking *awkward moment* So anywho she said I looked really pretty, and that I looked soo different she didn't even recognize that it was me. She asked what time I got there today and I said 6:55 she said HAH if I woulda known that I would have had you come walk my dog." I wasn't sure if she was kidding or not but since she's hooking me up with my braces I said "Next time, you've got my cell number I'll come over and walk it." But she didn't say anything after that. So then I had a paper with questions on it:
Do you have any more wax?
Do you have more Perio- Med
Do you use Powerchains?
How long from now do you estimate I'll get my braces off?
~a year from Sept 2012, 1.5 years the most from Sept 2012
Do you use permenant retainers?
~No because then people can't floss
Do you have to go back on wire sizes to get my upper 7s (back most teeth) down to the rest of my teeth?
I keep getting charlie horses in my mouth, is that normal?
When I start going to school are the appointments going to be closer together?
~Nope because of the wires.
So i picked out Black and Yellow for my colours and the lady did it. But when my orthodontist came over she made a comment about the colours and said "oooh black and white its like we're going to a ball?" So I made a remark saying "Wow! wait a minute you have black and white on there?" she said yes. I said awh man I said black and yellow." *pouty face* So she took out all the white ones and put on all yellow ones. So then when she was putting the wires on I said aloud (because I talk out loud all the time even when I don't mean to) "Awh man I forgot to floss, ah whatever." But she felt so bad about the colours she took out the wires so I could go floss and brush she was sooo nice. I got .018 on .025 on top and .014 on .025 on the bottom. I got promoted to super thick Zebra Elastics. So then I went and made my appointment with Kathy. Funny thing is I almost left without elastics so just as I got out of the car the assistant had chased me outside. So then as we drove away I realized I had taken their colour wheel on accident. I called them saying I was soooooo sorry they said it was ok to just bring it the next time I go. My pain in my mouth this time was sooooo horrible it is unbearable.
Do you have any more wax?
Do you have more Perio- Med
Do you use Powerchains?
How long from now do you estimate I'll get my braces off?
~a year from Sept 2012, 1.5 years the most from Sept 2012
Do you use permenant retainers?
~No because then people can't floss
Do you have to go back on wire sizes to get my upper 7s (back most teeth) down to the rest of my teeth?
I keep getting charlie horses in my mouth, is that normal?
When I start going to school are the appointments going to be closer together?
~Nope because of the wires.
So i picked out Black and Yellow for my colours and the lady did it. But when my orthodontist came over she made a comment about the colours and said "oooh black and white its like we're going to a ball?" So I made a remark saying "Wow! wait a minute you have black and white on there?" she said yes. I said awh man I said black and yellow." *pouty face* So she took out all the white ones and put on all yellow ones. So then when she was putting the wires on I said aloud (because I talk out loud all the time even when I don't mean to) "Awh man I forgot to floss, ah whatever." But she felt so bad about the colours she took out the wires so I could go floss and brush she was sooo nice. I got .018 on .025 on top and .014 on .025 on the bottom. I got promoted to super thick Zebra Elastics. So then I went and made my appointment with Kathy. Funny thing is I almost left without elastics so just as I got out of the car the assistant had chased me outside. So then as we drove away I realized I had taken their colour wheel on accident. I called them saying I was soooooo sorry they said it was ok to just bring it the next time I go. My pain in my mouth this time was sooooo horrible it is unbearable.
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